Year 4
Welcome to Year 4! We are 4 Ash and 4 Pine
Miss Farooq- 4 Ash and Miss Loraine- 4 Pine
Miss Plucker- HLTA
Important Information
The gates will open from 8:30am. The class register will be taken at 8:45am and learning will begin immediately after this. It is vital that pupils are on time to school so that they do not miss any important learning.
Pupils should bring to school each day:
- A water bottle with their name on
- Suitable clothing for the weather to ensure they are comfortable during outdoor break times
- A packed lunch (if required)
Pupils are to be collected from school at 3:15pm
P.E. and Swimming
- 4 Pine have indoor P.E. every Monday and Swimming every Wednesday
- 4 Ash have outdoor P.E. every Monday and indoor P.E on Wednesday
- Children should come to School in their P.E kits. Jewellery and watches must be removed for P.E and Swimming lessons
Please click here for details of PE kit and school uniform
Homework is given out every Friday and is due back the following week. Homework is optional to complete
Children in year 4 should know all of their times tables (up to 12 x 12) in preparation for the multiplication check later this academic year. We will practise these in class and it would be beneficial for children to practise these at home. Children should be able to answer each question within 6 seconds.
Key Dates
World book day – Thursday 6th March. Children can come to school dressed up as their favourite book character.
Science day - Friday14th March (to celebrate British Science Week). An off-timetable science day. School uniform as normal.
Eid themed lunch - Tuesday 1st April. Children can wear Eid clothing.
This half term we will be learning...
- In English we will be looking at non-fiction texts around the Amazon Rainforest.
- In Maths our focus will be around fractions.
- In Science we are looking at Teeth and the digestive system.
- In Geography we are learning about The Amazon.
- In PSHE our Pol Ed focus is 'keeping safe on the road'. In My happy mind we will be focusing on the 'relate' module
- In R.E we are learning about why the holy week is important to Christians
Reading Focus
Poetry- 'Gran can you rap?', 'The owl and the pussycat' and 'Chocolate Cake'
Links to use at home
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