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At South Pennine Academies, we want every student to have the best possible chance to achieve in school.

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Brambles Primary Academy

Safeguarding at Brambles

Keeping our children safe is our highest priority


Our Key Safeguarding Policies 

At Brambles Primary Academy, we have a number of policies which are part of our commitment to safeguarding.  This includes:
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
  • Low Level Concerns Policy
  • Guest Speaker Policy
  • Child Missing in Education Policy (CME)
  • Child Sexual Exploitation Policy (CSE)
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Safer Recruitment Policy
  • Intimate Care Policy

Please click on the link below to access our Policies

Brambles Policies

 The DfE have also produced two key documents for Safeguarding which can be accessed below:



If you need to access the Keeping Children Safe in Education in different languages please the link below 

Keeping Children Safe Translation

Health and Safety

The school has a health and safety policy, which is monitored each term by the relevant members of the South Pennine Academies and members of the Local Academy Board. 

We have regular H&S inspections and meetings to ensure we are compliant with all Health and Safety responsibilities. The Executive Principal, School Business Manager, Site Manager and Governors with responsibility for Health and Safety oversee this comprehensive list.

Any concerns from staff are reported to any of the above and an initial examination takes place immediately, assessing what remedial action needs to take place.  Our children are also encouraged to be involved with the Health and safety in school and report any concerns they may have.

On at least a termly basis, there is a fire drill to practice efficient evacuation from the buildings. The school conducts an annual Fire Risk Assessment and receives regular visits from the Fire Service and the Local Authority Fire Officers.

There is also an Emergency incident plan that details what staff and parents should do in the case of emergencies.

In addition to the Health and Safety Policy there are policies and risk assessments in place regarding Food and Drink and Food and Hygiene. These determine safe practices in school and the Kitchen/ Dining Room.

Emergency Safety Training 

All staff at Brambles Primary Academy have had training relating to the policies and procedures for Invacuation, Lockdown and Evacuation. 

This training ensures all staff are aware of what to do in an emergency to ensure the safeguarding of  children is paramount. 

First Aid

We have several members of staff who are paediatric first aid trained. 

If a child is in need of first aid, a member of staff will ensure that receive the correct treatment. A record of the injury and the treatment given will be recorded on medical tracker. This will then automatically send a notification to a parents email address. If a parent does not have an email address linked to their child, a paper copy will be printed and sent home. 

Where there is a first aid incident which causes concern, staff deal with children with the upmost sensitivity and always seek guidance from a member of the school leadership team. Wherever necessary, parents will be contacted or asked to come into school immediately so that they are part of the decision making process regarding the next course of action to be taken..

In the case of an emergency, the school will call for emergency treatment first before contacting the parent.

Site Security

Brambles Primary Academy is a secure site with door access controls and electronic sign in and visitor systems.

We have clear routines and procedures in place to ensure our site remains safe. However, the people who use our site, alongside the whole school community have a responsibility to help us maintain security. Our children and parents are crucial to this process and we encourage you to report any concerns to the school office or safeguarding team.

We take great care to maintain a secure site around the perimeter of the school and all children are supervised at all times. In the unlikely event of a child leaving the school premises without permission, staff have been asked never to chase after a child, but rather to report immediately to the office. Then parents and police will be informed of the circumstances. We lock many of our school gates during the school day.  Visitors must always report to school via the main reception.


Excellent attendance is expected of all children.

However, in the event that a child is unwell parents are asked to report absence by 8.45 am on the first day using our main school number 01484 240338. You can press option 1 and leave a message on our absence line. 

On occasions where a child’s attendance and punctuality causes concern, the Academy will contact parents or carers to discuss the absence. Attendance rates are reported each term to the Local Academy Board, and Local Authority.  Attendance is also reported annually to the government and to all parents. Positive systems are in place to encourage children to attend regularly and punctually, and the school is aware of its right to issue fixed penalties to parents who do not ensure good attendance and punctuality.

In exceptional circumstances, leave of absence may be requested in writing by submitting a letter to the head at least 30 days in advance, and explaining in detail what the exceptional circumstances are.

You can download our attendance information sheet from the school website or get a copy from the school office.


Appointment and induction of staff and work placements

All staff appointed to work in the academy have a criminal records search called a DBS check.

This search highlights people who have a criminal record or if previous allegations have been made against them. If any member of staff is found to have a criminal record, the appointment is reconsidered by the academy with support and advice from the Local Authority.

Several members of the academy's staff and the governing body have received training on Safer Recruitment and all appointment panels where the candidates are external applicants will be attended by at least one appropriately trained member.

Newly appointed staff are assigned a mentor for their induction period. It is the responsibility of the mentors to familiarise new staff with procedures, policies and Bramble’s safeguarding practices, which affect the health and safety of all at school, especially the children.

Induction of volunteers

Brambles Primary Academy has an extensive volunteer recruitment process which includes application and interview stages.

All volunteers must also have DBS clearance.  For any extended contact with children, when children may be left alone with an adult, or when an adult visitor may be in and around the school building, a full DBS search will be conducted. Visitors who do not yet have clearance will under no circumstance be left alone with a child or group of children.

Welcoming Visitors

All visitors to school are booked in using our electronic system.

This prints out a formal visitors badge allowing all of the school community to identify strangers in school.  We confirm that all visitors with a professional role - eg supply teachers, the School Nurse or members of the police - have relevant clearance. Students who work within our school community also have their DBS clearance confirmed. Anyone who spends time in school without this confirmation will be accompanied at all times.

All visitors will also have a card attached to their visitors lanyard which displays the names and pictures of the academy safeguarding team.  

Child Protection/Safeguarding

The designated adults for Child Protection/Safeguarding are Miss Inns, Mr Foster and Mr Carbutt and the designated governor is Mrs Eagleton.

There is a detailed Child Safeguarding Policy, which is available on our policies page

It is the Governing Body’s duty to ensure the policy is reviewed annually and any deficiencies within the policy addressed immediately. Certain governors and all staff have had appropriate child protection training, which is updated at least every three years.

Physical Intervention

This school follows advice that physical intervention may be used if there is the possibility that a child may be about to cause harm to him/ herself or to another. On no occasion will any form of physical contact be used as a punishment.

Allegations of Abuse
All allegations of abuse or complaints of a member of staff will be dealt with following clear procedures, initially by the Principal. For any complaints about the Principal the Chair of Governors should be contacted directly.

Operation Encompass

Brambles Primary Academy are part of Kirklees Operation Encompass. The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in a domestic abuse incident. Following an incident at home, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset and unprepared for the day.

Kirklees Council, the police and nominated Key Adults in school will be working together to make sure that school staff are made aware of any incident early enough to support pupils in school. 

Kirklees Safeguarding Partnership

We work very closely with the Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership (KSCP).  You can link to their website from here to find lots of valuable information.

Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership also works with the following partners, further information can be found by following the links below.

NHS       West Yorkshire Police      Kirklees Council 

NSPCC Cafcass   National Probation Service

The Design of the Curriculum

Safeguarding at Brambles is interwoven throughout our curriculum and taught in a sensitive and appropriate to the age and stages of the children.

Further information can be found on our Safeguarding Curriculum page.

Safeguarding in Our Curriculum

Online Safety

Children should be encouraged to use the internet, but at all times in a safe way.

Pupils must never be left unattended whilst online and teachers should ensure that this does not happen. If any adult or child suspects misuse, either by a teacher or child, the issue must be reported to a member of the academy safeguarding Team without delay.

Use the link below to access useful fact sheets and links to useful websites.

Online Safety

Disability Equality Scheme and Equal Opportunities

At Brambles we work to ensure that everyone is treated fairly.

All children are given equal access to the school and its curriculum and all are considered equal in the learning partnership.

When children have special needs we make arrangements to inform parents and design specific programmes. We ensure that the outcomes for all groups of children allow them to reach their full potential.

Children with physical needs and disabilities must be able to take a full and active part in every lesson and activity, and every measure is taken to ensure this.

Click  for information on Safeguarding SEN children


Good behaviour is essential in any community and we have high expectations for this.

Our Behaviour Policy shows our strong emphasis on positive approaches, but also our clear boundaries in responding to behaviour choices that threaten the learning, wellbeing or safety of others.


Our definition of bullying is:

When we talk about bullying, we mean one or more people repeatedly behaving in an intimidating or aggressive way, with the intention of causing emotional or physical harm to another person.

The school’s response to this is unequivocal. We do not tolerate bullying in our school community, and as soon as we are aware of an issue we act promptly and effectively.

Adults must be informed immediately and action will be taken.

Our children know that we pride ourselves on being a 'telling school'. If any child tells us that they feel they are being bullied, they know that we will support them and deal with the problem very quickly. Although bullying in this school is rare the school always acts swiftly with a process of investigation, communication and action. Bullies will not be tolerated.

Photographing and Filming Consent 

There has been a lot of controversy recently about adults photographing and filming young people. The concerns are genuine, and at Brambles Primary Academy we have taken a sensible, balanced approach, which allows parents to photograph and video, providing they follow certain guidelines:

  • Parents are advised in advance of all school events that photographs can be taken, but these must be for use within their own families, and are not to be used on any social media platform where other children are visibly identifiable. 

Brambles Primary uses images of children, both on our website and in press releases, where parental consent has been granted. Parents/Carers are given the option to refuse use of their child's image. Parents/Carers can change their preferences at anytime by requesting a consent form from the office.


If members of staff ever have any concerns about people working within the school, paid or unpaid, they have a professional duty to inform the Principal or Governing body accordingly. 

This can be done in writing or verbally but staff should be prepared to discuss issues in the confidence that any such matter will be dealt with sensitively and with the highest appropriate level of confidentiality.

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