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Brambles Primary Academy

Drug and Alcohol Support

Drug and Alcohol Support 

If you live in Kirklees the service you would contact to gain support for alcohol or substance use is CHART Kirklees. 


It is a huge positive step to admit that you feel you need support with your usage or addictions. Lots of parents think if they own up to being an ‘addict’ they will lose their children. This is not the case. If you are willing to accept help, all we will try and do is support you in that process so your children get the best version of you. 


On TRAK, is the alcohol treatment service for adults over 18 years of age, residing in Kirklees.

It is a service for dependent drinkers and for people who are experiencing problems as a result of their alcohol use and who may be at risk of dependency.

On TRAK is committed to providing a wide range of services for people affected by alcohol misuse. They will provide you with a wide range of information to help you to find out what options are available both inside and outside of the service so that you can make an informed choice about your treatment.

They are committed to working in partnership with other agencies, such as housing and welfare services. They find this helps you in achieving your alcohol misuse goals; whether you want to abstain from drinking totally or return to lower risk drinking levels. They also deliver the treatment element of the Alcohol Treatment Requirement for the local Probation Services


Drinking too much alcohol can have a direct impact on your health. This may be happening even if you currently feel quite well. You may have some symptoms caused by drinking but perhaps haven't stopped to think about it.

Over time, drinking too much alcohol can increase your risk of other health problems such as cancers, liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure and dementia.

Drinking too much whilst pregnant can also affect your baby's health.

Alcohol also has other undesirable effects like sexual problems and weight gain.

Alcohol awareness and support

Drinking and alcohol 


Drink less alcohol 

Local organisations - Alcoholism

Recommended guidelines and drinks trackers

There are recommended guidelines to help you stay in control, lower your risk and protect your health.

Unit calculator 

One You Drinks Tracker app 

Alcohol and being a parent

Be a role model for your children 

Underage drinking 

Parenting guidelines for adolescent alcohol use 


CHART Kirklees drug service is for adults over 18 years of age residing in Kirklees.

They are a service for people who are dependent on drugs and for people who are experiencing problems as a result of their drug use. It does not matter what type of drug you are using, they have the experience of working effectively with people who use; steroids, cannabis, opiates, stimulants, novel psychoactive substances (‘legal highs’), prescribed and over the counter medications and alcohol.

The drug service is committed to providing a wide range of services for people experiencing, and affected, by substance misuse. They will provide you with relevant information to help you to find out what options are available both inside and outside of the service so you can make an informed choice about your treatment. Their skilled workforce will help you to minimise the harm that your substance misuse may be causing, and they will also support you in working on your recovery


It is important to know how drugs can affect you and what the risks are if you take them.

You can never tell how strong they are or what is in them.

An accidental overdose could lead to unconsciousness or even death.

Mixing different drugs, or mixing drugs with alcohol, can be very dangerous.

Drugs awareness and support

Local organisations - Drug addiction


We are committed to working in partnership with other agencies, such as housing, welfare and therapeutic services. We find this helps you in achieving your recovery goals. We also provide a range of services for people entering, and travelling through the Criminal Justice System, for example as part of the Drugs Intervention Programme (DIP) and delivering the treatment element of the Drug Rehabilitation Requirement (DRR) in partnership with the Probation Service.  We work with other organisations, agencies and the voluntary sector across all aspects relating to your recovery including; The Basement Recovery Project, Horton Housing and Kirklees in Recovery.