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At South Pennine Academies, we want every student to have the best possible chance to achieve in school.

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Brambles Primary Academy

Safeguarding in Our Curriculum

The curriculum deals with safeguarding in two key ways.

Firstly, the curriculum - through cross-curricular topics and planning around Personal, Social and Health Education - discusses relevant issues with the children. Specific topics include such themes as Drugs, Sex and Relationships, Online safety, PREVENT and Stranger Danger. Children are encouraged to explore and discuss these issues together and with their teachers/learning support assistants. We also discuss a wide range of issues around safety and wellbeing on a very regular basis in assemblies.

Secondly, the curriculum is designed so that safety issues within the subject are discussed and safe practices taught, such as using equipment properly in PE and Design and Technology. At all times there has to be appropriate staffing levels and when the curriculum is taken out of school, appropriate and agreed pupil/adult ratios are maintained. The lead adult always assesses visits as to the level of risk and all trips are authorised by the Educational Visit Co-ordinator (EVC) and the Head of School.

Risk assessments are conducted for all activities beyond the school grounds, and these are signed off by the Educational Visits Coordinator and Head of School or Executive Principal.


Assemblies, theme days and our SMSC Curriculum

Children are exposed to worldwide issues as part of our assembly calendar, which link to SMSC and the Fundamental British Values. 


Children are exposed to a variety of aspects linked to their Personal Health and Social Development as part of a weekly PSHE lesson. We use the Jigsaw curriculum which also ensures the statutory RSE curriculum is covered. 



Children are exposed to  different religions cultures, traditions and faiths through our weekly RE lessons. This ensures our children are tolerant of others and supports the PREVENT programme. 

Online Safety

Children are taught about how to keep themselves safe online. With a growing increase of children using online technology, Brambles Primary Academy understands the importance of teaching our children about online safety. 

Pol-Ed Primary Programme

Our teachers deliver regular lessons to children in partnership with West Yorkshire Police around issues such as Hate Crime, Cyber Crime, FGM and Bullying. 

Enrichment Curriculum

We teach our children to be safe by offering Road safety, Bikeability, Balance bike training, swimming lessons, Stranger danger and PANTS sessions.  

PANTS illustrated