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Brambles Primary Academy



Welcome to Reception 

At Brambles Primary Academy, we are READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE.

 Welcome to Reception!


On this page you’ll find out all about the exciting things we’ll be getting up to in Reception, what learning looks like in Reception and the topics we will be learning about.

We will also give you lots of ideas and information in regards to what you can do at home to help support your child’s learning.

Reception Team


                                    Mrs Bowker                                 Mrs Scandling
                                                                 Hazel Class Teacher                       Maple Class Teacher


              Mrs Juett                               
Miss Wilson                               Miss Grant   
                             HLTA                          Apprentice Educational           Educational Teaching Assistant
                                                        Teaching Assistant                                                            

Important Information

The School Day

The gates will open from 8:30am.  The class register will be taken at 8:45am and learning will begin immediately after this.  It is vital that pupils are on time to school so that they do not miss any important learning.

Pupils should bring to school each day:

  • Their reading book and reading record
  • A water bottle with their name on
  • Suitable clothing for the weather to ensure they are comfortable during outdoor break times
  • A packed lunch (if required)

Pupils are to be collected from school at 3:15pm

P.E will take place on Monday and Wednesday

Please click here for details of PE kit and school uniform

Reception Timetable 

Home Learning

Every Friday we will be sending home a 'Little Wandle' Reading Practice book, which the children will have read 3 times throughout the week in school.  As children become more confident with their reading, recognising an increasing number of graphemes and sounding out and blending to read words, they will then start to take home a reading book with words that are closely matched to their phonics ability.  A school library book will be sent home for parents and children to enjoy together.  

Both books MUST be returned by the following Friday.

Each time you read with your child please ensure you sign, date and comment in the yellow reading diary. 

Each week there will also be Maths home learning which will be sent home in book bags or posted on Class Dojo.

Each half term, children will be set a range of home learning activities which can be completed over the holiday period.


Class Dojo is a great way to keep in touch with what's happening at school and to contact members of the Reception Team.  

Key Dates


Monday 24th February 2025 - Children will return to school

Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th March -  Parents Evening 

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day

Friday 7th March - #LETGIRLSPLAY Biggest Ever Girls Football Session

Friday 22nd March 2024 - Last day of Spring 2 

Friday 4th April- Last Day of Term 

Summer 1...

Tuesday 22nd April - Children will return to school

What will we be learning in Reception?

Topic Overview - Spring 2

In Spring 2, the topic is 'To Infinity and Beyond!'  This topic will allow the children to explore earth and beyond.  We will read and discuss a variety of fiction and non-fiction books about space, introducing vocabulary linked to this topic. Children will hot seat characters from the stories we read and develop their questioning skills by asking and answering ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions.   We will also provide children with opportunities to develop their language skills whilst retelling stories in our role play and small world areas.   

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will continue to focus on our emotions and learning what they feel like and how to deal with them through lots of circle time activities and games. We will be focusing on team work games and how we can take turns and share.

Communication and Language

During our ‘Infinity and Beyond’ theme, the children will be encouraged to re-tell stories as well as making up their own narratives and explanations.  We will continue to develop our storytelling skills and use our new vocabulary within our play.  

Physical Development

This half term we will be continuing to develop children’s fine motor skills through activities including using tweezers, peg boards, threading, cutting, writing, finger gym and dough disco.   

In PE this half term, we will be focusing on ball skills. We will learn how to control and move a ball in different directions. This includes throwing, catching, kicking and bouncing a ball in a range of ways including mirroring others.  


In literacy, the children will use a story map and actions to retell stories confidently. We will continue to innovate our own stories based on the familiar stories we have read. We will be learning how to form a letter and we will be writing letters to a variety of audiences. 

The children will continue with their daily Little Wandle Phonics sessions, where they will continue to review Phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs and will be supported to apply these in their reading and writing.   


In Maths, we will continue to learn through a range of practical and fun activities both indoors and outdoors including counting, number rhymes, number hunts and reading and recognising numbers.

Understanding the World

We will begin to explore planet Earth, look into space and discuss how astronauts get to the moon. We will look into how we have changed from birth to now and how the world has changed over time. 

Expressive Arts and Design

In art and design, we will explore materials to build and create our own space rockets and solor system pictures. We will then share these with our peers and talk through the process of how we created our projects. 


Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised is our phonics programme used in school.  Right from the start of Reception, children will have a daily phonics lesson which follows the progression for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds and this continues in Year One and Year Two to ensure children become fluent readers. 

In Reception, we build from 10-minute lessons, with additional daily oral blending games, to the full-length lesson as quickly as possible. Four new phonemes and their corresponding graphemes are taught (GPCs) each week and they are then used in the final lesson of the week to review the week’s learning. Children will also learn tricky words during these sessions.

Spring 2 Phonics Overview

Phase 3 Sounds


Previous Overviews


Autumn Term - Phase 2 Sounds 





Support for Parents:

Phonics Information Evening


Core Texts










Links to try at home



Little Wandle Letters and Sounds


 Reading  - E-Library 


Phonics Games


Phonics Games


Nursery Rhymes



                Go Noodle


Maths Games



Maths Games 



                Go Noodle

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