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Brambles Primary Academy

Year 3: Aspen & holly

Welcome to Year 3!

Year 3 is the first stage of Key Stage Two and we are so excited to help you learn lots of new and exciting things!

We have three school rules:

-Be Ready

-Be Respectful

-Be Safe


See the source image

Did you know ....

Aspen trees are a deciduous tree and aspen leaves are shed once a year during autumn. Their lifespan is up to 150 years, although a few have been known to survive for over 200 years!


Did you know ...

A Holly bush can be male or female - if there are red berries on it, it is female!

Meet the Year 3 Team!

Miss Buckley - Aspen Class Teacher

Miss Kaye - Holly Class Teacher

Miss Plucker - HLTA and 1:1 Support      

Miss Kitchings - 1:1 Support 

Miss Egan - 1:1 Support

Miss Beattie - 1:1 Support                    

Important Information

Key Dates Spring 2: 

Thursday 6th March: World Book Day! Children can come dressed to school as their favourite book character. 

Friday 14th March: An off time table science day to celebrate science week! School uniform as normal.

The School Day

The class register will be taken at 8:45am and learning will begin immediately after this. It is vital that pupils are on time to school so that they do not miss any important learning. Children start with morning arithmetic practise.

Pupils are to be collected from school at 3:15pm


Attendance every day is crucial. Each lesson follows the previous day, so missing one day may put the children behind for days.


 In Spring 1, PE is taught on a Tuesday and Thursday.

Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit. For more information on uniform, please click - Uniform

In PE, we use 'Beyond the Physical' scheme of work to support teaching of PE. 


Homework is given out on a Friday and due the following Friday. Homework will be focused on the maths unit we are currently learning in class.  Additionally, will receive handwriting practise based on the year 3 statutory spellings. 


It is important to keep hydrated throughout the school day so please bring a bottle of water to school with your name on it every day.  The children can fill these up at the tap as needed.


It is crucial that your child reads every night at home with an adult who asks them questions. While the children are now mostly able to read without help, questions will help them develop their comprehension skills. There are questions in each reading record to help you direct the questions you ask them. 

Times Tables

The children have all been given Times Tables Rockstars logins. They should be encouraged to play for a short time every day.

Key Dates: Spring 2

First day back at school - Monday 24th February 2025

World Book Day! - Thursday 6th March 2025

Break up - Friday 4th April 2025

Teaching & Learning: Spring 2


At Brambles, we use the 'Write Stuff' scheme of work, created by Jane Considine.

Your child may have spoken to you about chotting! This is a mixture of chatting and jotting- where we brainstorm great vocabulary before using it to create some wonderful sentences.

Our writing targets this year are taken from the national curriculum.

This half term, we will be studying The Ocean Calls by Tina Cho to write a narrative from a different character perspective. We will also be studying poetry based on Autumn, Spring and Summer seasons! 

 Guided Reading

This half term, we will be studying 'A Roman Adventure' by Frances Durkin.  We will be also studying a wide range of non-fiction texts to aid our comprehension with our Science Topic, 'Plants'.  We will use this book to help us with our reading domains.



At Brambles, we use 'White Rose Maths' scheme of work. This half term we are studying Perimeter, Mass and Capacity and Fractions!

Recommended for Home Learning:  The White Rose 1-minute maths app is a FREE app available on Apple,  Android and Kindle app stores that gives children a quick 1-minute practice session on the fundamental skills of mathematics. Doing 1 minute’s practice a day through the app will have a HUGE boost on your child’s confidence and ability in maths.

The app is aimed at building confidence in the number facts children were taught in KS1.  When children find Maths hard in KS2 it is often because they don’t have enough confidence in their quick mental maths and practice of the most basic calculations to achieve speedy recall is a huge confidence boost and frees up more brainpower to focus on the trickier parts of the questions.

Your child can choose the topic they want to try.  They then answer a unique series of questions (so it’s a different set of questions every time). If they’re struggling with a question, a ‘Hint’ button will give a helpful clue by showing the question in a different but familiar way.  When the one minute is up, they’ll see their score – how many they got right over how many they were able to attempt in the 1 minute time.

The benefits of this app are:

  1. It provides excellent practice – and no distractions.
  2. A clear, intuitive process that children pick up straight away.
  3. No login or internet access needed. Just download and play.
  4. Enjoyable and motivating… How many can they get correct in one minute?
  5. Brilliant for building number fluency and confidence.
  6. It’s FREE!


In science this half term, we are studying 'Plants'. We have a bespoke curriculum for Science at Brambles.



Our History topic this half term is 'Rome wasn't built in a day'. 


Our art topic this half term is 'Growing Artists'. This unit focuses on teaching children the use of shapes, shading, and texture in art to enhance their drawing skills. It emphasises developing a sense of light and dark, using frottage for texture, and experimenting with different tools to create expressive and abstract art. 


In RE we are exploring the enquiry 'How do creation stories help people understand the world?'. RE is taught using the Kirklees Agreed Syllabus.


In PSHE, we will be using My Happy Mind. 

My Happy Mind combines the latest research, science and technology to help children develop lifelong habits and learn to thrive, driven with a focus to support children's emotional wellbeing.


Home Learning Menu

Each half term, the children will be given a Home Learning Menu. These are some ideas and projects you can get involved with which are linked to the learning children will be doing in class this half term. You can choose to do as many of the activities as you wish!

Spring 2 Home Learning Menu: 

spring 2 home learning menu.pdf

Links to try at home


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