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At South Pennine Academies, we want every student to have the best possible chance to achieve in school.

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Brambles Primary Academy



If your child is not in school, please ensure you have rung the school office (01484 240338) before 9am. You can leave a message via our automated system.

We need you to contact school each day your child is absent.

If you do not inform us of your child's absence, we will send you a message requesting that you contact the office to discuss your child's reason for absence.

If your child is part of a safeguarding plan, even if we do know the reason for their absence, we will complete a home visit on the first day.

If your child is NOT part of a safeguarding plan, then we will carry out a home visit on day 3 of their absence even if you have contacted us prior.

If your child continues to be absent, we will carry out a home visit on day 6, day 9, day 12 etc. even if you have called us and we know the reason for absence. This is to ensure we carry out our statutory safeguarding duty.

Our Attendance Team are Mrs. Willetts, Mrs. Green & Mr. Foster

Attendance Team (ID 1144)


School starts at 8.45am - our gates and classroom doors are open from 8.30am each morning.

If your child is late for school, you must accompany them to the main entrance and sign them in to the building where you will be asked to complete a late form. Persistent failure to do this will result in a meeting with the attendance officer and/or Designated Safeguarding Lead.

If your child's punctuality is a concern, you will be invited to have a meeting with a member of the attendance team to discuss proactive ideas and solutions to ensure things improve.

The Brambles Attendance Ladder

To ensure all parents, carers and children are aware of the impact of absence on their overall attendance, the Brambles Attendance Ladder will be used as a visual aid to support this. This ladder will be used around the academy building, & on attendance newsletters.  All staff will refer to the Brambles attendance ladder when talking about attendance with any stakeholder and when helping them to understand where their attendance sits on it.

How we will support you to improve your child’s attendance

At Brambles we know that the best way to improve a child's attendance is when parents and school leaders work together. See below our staged approach to supporting you as parents/carers to improve your child's attendance.

Term Time Holidays

School term dates are always available from the school office or website. They are also available on the Kirklees Council Website.

You should arrange family holidays during school holiday times. The school does not grant leave of absence for family holidays and parents are likely to face a penalty notice for taking children out of school during term time.

If you do take your child on holiday,  a holiday request form must be completed.

These can be collected from the main office.

Attendance Rewards  

We use a range of rewards at Brambles to promote positive attendance with the children. Please see a selection of these below.