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Brambles Primary Academy

Religious Education (RE)

Our Intent:

Our curriculum for RE is based on the agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Calderdale, Kirklees and Leeds (2019-2024).

This syllabus is called “Believing and Belonging” and it includes two key elements. First, it is about beliefs and values which aims to develop pupils’ understanding of world faiths and other beliefs, exploring their similarities and differences in a multicultural world. Secondly, it is about ‘belonging’. This helps pupils’ acknowledge that others hold beliefs different to their own.  It allows a child to build on their spiritual awareness and to appreciate diversity. Through learning to problem solve and evaluate and build on their thinking skills and reflect upon this, children become respectful citizens in today’s world.

RE is an important subject in our school as it develops pupils’ tolerance towards different faiths and religions. It nurtures SMSC development and pupils’ understanding of diversity.  The children discuss challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.  A holistic approach to Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC), British Values, and Community Cohesion focuses on preparing pupils for life in the 21st century. 


Our Approach:

We follow the Kirklees Agreed Syllabus in R.E, there are three broad aims, each subdivided into two areas. A balance of these are included within the RE curriculum at each key stage. Pupils will:

  1. Investigate the beliefs and practices of religions and other world views;
  2. Investigate how religions and other world views address questions of meaning, purpose & value;
  3. Investigate how religions and other world views influence morality, identity and diversity.

Our R.E curriculum mainly focuses on Christianity and Islam in KS1, with the addition of Sikhism and Judaism at KS 2. Other religious and non-religious beliefs may be introduced beyond the defined faiths. To ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in Religious Education, we implement a curriculum that develops progressively throughout the whole school and builds on their knowledge from year to year.

As Religious Education is sometimes linked to other subjects across the curriculum, children have the opportunity to explore and question at greater depth, enriching the curriculum and encouraging greater engagement.


Our Impact:

We believe, that through regular RE teaching, children will be able to make links between their own informed beliefs and that of the wider world, in order to create cohesive communities. They will be able to refer to other religions and cultures, with reference to enjoyable experiences, that will promote inquisitive minds, respect, acceptance and understanding for all those around them, including themselves. The children will value difference and diversity and be able to ask questions about meaning and purpose in life, with the ability to engage in respectful and reasonable disagreement.  Ultimately, we strive for children having a strong moral compass, who can show tolerance and acceptance towards other cultures, including their religious or other worldwide views.

Below is our RE whole school overview.

brambles primary academy re curriculum overview docx.pdf


To view the Kirklees RE Syllabus please click the button below.


Kirklees RE Syllabus  


How you can help your child at home:

Much of what we do in RE at Brambles Primary Academy involves discussion and exploration of moral questions and how different cultures approach the same issues.  We would strongly encourage families to talk about our communities and how we share many values.




A Christian Baptism Story

A shawl, needed for an upcoming baptism, is nowhere to be found, but the expectant family cat may have the answer.

A Christian Baptism Story


A Christian Baptism

Part 1  

A family is shown preparing food for a baptism celebration, with the narration provided by the baby's older brother.

A Christian Baptism Part 1


A Christian Baptism

Part 2  

Baby Jamie is being baptised in a church. Jamie's older brother explains that the parents and godparents make a promise to help Jamie grow up to be a Christian. The vicar pours water from the font over Jamie's head.

A Christian Baptism Part 2


The Christian  Parable of the Good Samaritan 

The story of the Good Samaritan, as told by Jesus in one of the gospels of the New Testament. 

The Christian Parable of the Good Samaritan 



Judaism - Meet a Jewish Family

A child introduces her home and family and describes some of the artefacts and traditions of a Jewish family home.

Judaism - Meet a Jewish Family


Judaism - An introduction to Shabbat

A family show us how they prepare for Shabbat, or sabbath, as well as telling us why it is special and different from other times of the week. 

 Judaism - An introduction to Shabat


Judaism - The Story of the Passover

Preparations for the Passover Seder table.

Judaism - The Story of the Passover



The Sikh's Five K's   

A Sikh girl introduces her family and explains the significance of each of the five Ks - the five articles of faith that Khalsa Sikhs wear at all times.

The Sikh's Five K's



Islam   Wudu - Washing and preparation for prayer 

Muslim children show how they prepare for prayer by washing in a special way.

Islam Wudu - Washing and preparation for prayer