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At South Pennine Academies, we want every student to have the best possible chance to achieve in school.

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Brambles Primary Academy

New Starters September 2024

We look forward to welcoming all the new children in to our school in September 2024

Below are links to information that you might find useful to help you and your child prepare for starting in September!

Reception 2024


Reception 2024 Welcome Meeting Presentation



      All About Me                           Hazel Class                            Maple Class

          Booklet                           Transition Booklet              Transition Booklet


Starting School Transition Week

Monday, 2nd September – INSET DAY – No children to attend school

Tuesday, 3rd September – Children attend between 8.45 – 11.30am

Wednesday, 4th September – Children attend between 8.45 – 1.00pm (lunch included)

Thursday and Friday – full days (8.45am -3.15pm)


Reception Daily Routine

School starts at 8.45am​.  Please ensure your child arrives promptly. 

(Children can arrive between 8.30 – 8.45) ​

Lunch time between 11.40am and 12.40pm ​

School finishes at 3.15pm. ​Please come into the Reception play area and wait at Hazel/Maple classroom door.  We will release the children into your care. Children will only be allowed to leave with a parent/carer or other named contact. If you have arranged for another adult to collect your child, you must inform the Reception teachers in the morning or telephone the School Office who will provide the teachers with a note at the end of the day.


September Checklist

Burgundy jumper or cardigan

A light blue polo shirt

Grey trousers/shorts 

Checked skirt 

Sensible black school shoes.

  • P.E kit in a small drawstring bag to be kept in school on your child’s peg

In Reception class an important part of a child's physical development is to be increasingly independent in getting dressed and undressed.  This is why for the Autumn term we ask that children bring their PE kits to school, so that they can practise getting ready for their PE sessions.

Dark coloured shorts/leggings/joggers

A light blue t-shirt

A pair of pumps or trainers.

  • Spare Clothing - Please could you provide a set of spare labelled clothes inclusive of socks/tights, underwear, leggings/trousers.  This can be kept in your child's PE Bag.  We do have some spare clothing at school but this can be limited.
  1. A book bag.

Please bring this to school every day.

  1. A named water bottle.

This can stay in school.  It will be emptied and washed out everyday and filled with fresh water the following day.

  1. A coat

Your child should bring a coat everyday whatever the weather – we never know when it is going to rain!

Please put your child’s name in everything they bring to school – we don’t want to get things muddled or lost!

Useful Link - BBC Bitesize - Starting Primary School 

Please visit our Reception Class Page which is updated each half term with key dates and information about teaching and learning in Reception Class.

Other Information



School Lunches

The School Day

Term Dates


Breakfast Club

After School Club