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Brambles Primary Academy

Early Years

At Brambles Primary Academy, we provide Early Years provision for children aged 4-5 years old.

Our Early Years Foundation Stage consists of two Reception Classes.

We recognise that every child is unique. We understand that children have different personalities, develop in individual ways and at varying rates.  We want all our children to be independent, self-motivated, critical thinkers and risk takers.

At Brambles, we plan and deliver our curriculum following the 'Early Years Foundation Stage Framework' which is broken down into seven key areas.

*In September 2020, we became an early adopter school and are following an updated version of the EYFS Curriculum.

Our EYFS teachers plan a curriculum through adult-directed activities and purposeful play.  Their aim is to develop children's knowledge , vocabulary  and key skills through interesting and engaging activities. This ensures the delivery of a holistic, child-centred curriculum which allows children to grow and develop links between learning experiences.


EYFS Statutory Framework  


Non- statutory documents including  Development Matters: Non-statutory curriculum guidance
for the early years foundation stage (July 2021).
Non-statutory guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage are used to support practitioners classroom practise and pedagogy.

EYFS Development Matters   


Prime Areas of Learning

The Prime Areas provide a firm foundation for pupils future learning and are focused upon during the initial stages of child development. These include:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Specific Areas of Learning 

  •  Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World 
  • Expressive Arts and Design 
In supporting pupils within the four Specific Areas, the three prime areas are also further strengthened and applied.

Characteristics of Effective Learning               

The Characteristics of Effective Learning are an essential element of the Early Years Foundation Stage and focus upon the processes of how children learn as opposed to an outcome. The three Characteristics of Effective Learning identified by the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework include:

Playing and Exploring 

  • Children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’;

Active learning 

  • Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements

Creating and Thinking Critically 

  • Children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.

At Brambles we value pupils’ individuality and recognise that pupils demonstrate particular preferences in their approach to learning.  This determines the way in which children respond to teaching experiences within the Early Years provision.